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Thursday, July 2, 2009


Abrasive: A hard material used to grind, cut or wear.

Absorption: The inclusion of the energy of a photon within a substance.

Amorphous: A noncrystalline substance, atoms lack long range order.

Annealing: Heat treatment to alter properties.

Annealing point (glass): Temperature at which stresses are removed.

Atomic vibration: Movement of an atom within a substance.

Band gap energy: Energy difference between the valence and conduction bands.

Brittle fracture: A break that occurs by rapid crack propagation.

Capacitance (C): Charge storing capability.

Cement: A material that binds particles together in a mixture.

Ceramic: A compound of metallic and nonmetallic elements.

Color: Wavelengths of light perceived by the eye.

Component: A part, or device.

Conduction band: Carries the excited conduction electrons.

Conductivity: The ability to carry an electric current (electricity) or thermal energy (heat).

Covalent bond: Bonding by sharing electrons.

Crystalline: A solid with a repeating three-dimensional unit cell.

Crystal structure: The orderly arrangement of the atoms or ions within a crystal.

Diamagnetism: Weakly repelled from a magnetic field.

Dielectric: An insulator.

Dielectric constant: Relative electrical permittivity of a material as compared to a perfect vacuum.

Dielectric (breakdown) strength: The amount of electricity needed to start an electric current flow in a dielectric material.

Ductile fracture: Break accompanied by large plastic deformation.

Elastic deformation: Change in shape that returns when a stress is removed.

Elastic Modulus: Ratio of stress to strain in elastic deformation, measure of elasticity.

Electric field: The gradient of voltage.

Electronegativity: The attraction of an atom for shared electrons.

Electron volt (eV): Unit of energy equivalent to the energy gained by an electron when it falls through an electric potential of one volt.

Excited state: An energy state to which an electron may move by the absorption of energy.

Fiber Optics: The technology of transferring information as light pulses through long thin fibers, usually made of glass.

Firing: High temperature processing to increase densification in a product.

Fluorescence: Light that is emitted a short period of time after an electron has been excited.

Fracture toughness (Kc): Measure of a material's resistance to crack propagation.

Glass: An amorphous solid showing characteristic specific volume behavior over a certain temperature range.

Glass - ceramic: Crystalline ceramic material that was formed by heat treating glass.

Glass transition temperature (Tg): Temperature at which a glass changes from a

supercooled liquid into a solid.

Grain: Individual crystal in a polycrystalline material.

Grain boundary: The boundary between grains (or crystals) that are misoriented with respect to one another.

Green ceramic body: Ceramic object that is dried but not fired.

Ground state: Lowest electron energy state.

Hardness: Resistance to deformation.

Heat capacity: Heat required to produce a unit increase in temperature per quantity of material.

Imperfection: Flaw, any deviation from perfection, as in a crystal.

Index of refraction: Ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a medium.

Insulator: Material that does not conduct electricity (electrical) or heat (thermal).

Ionic bond: Electrostatic force between oppositely charged ions.

Laser: Source of coherent light (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation).

Lattice: The regular arrangement of points in a crystal.

Luminescence: Emission of visible light when an electron returns to the ground state from an excited state.

Magnetic field strength: Intensity of an applied magnetic field.

Microstructure: Structural features that can be observed with a microscope.

Noncrystalline: Amorphous, with no long-range atomic order.

Opaque: Material that does not transmit light.

Phonon: Quantum of vibrational energy.

Phosphorescence: Luminescence that lasts for more than one second.

Photovoltaic cells: A device capable of converting light energy to electricity.

Photoconductivity: Electrical conductivity induced by light.

Photon: Quantum of electromagnetic energy.

Piezoelectric: Material that produces an electrical response to a mechanical force.

Plastic deformation: Permanent deformation, change of shape.

Polycrystalline: Composed of more than one crystal or grain.

Porcelain: A durable ceramic composite made by firing clay, feldspar and quartz together.

Reflection: Deflection of light at the interface between two materials.

Refraction: Bending of light as it passes from one medium into another.

Refractory: Material that can be exposed to high temperature without deterioration.

Resistivity: Measure of resistance to passage of electrical current (reciprocal of conductivity).

Semiconductor: Nonmetallic material that has a relatively narrow energy band gap.

Sintering: Coalescence of individual ceramic particles into a continuous solid phase at a high temperature.

Slip: Mixture of clay with water that can be poured into a mold.

Slip casting: Method of making ceramic objects by pouring slip into a mold.

Softening point (glass): Maximum temperature a glass can be heated before it permanently deforms.

Smart materials: Materials able to detect a change in the environment and react to it.

Specific volume: Volume per unit mass, reciprocal of density.

Strain: Change in length of a sample in the direction of an applied stress.

Stress: Force applied to a sample divided by its cross-sectional area.

Structural clay products: Ceramic objects made mainly of clay and used in structural applications.

Structure: Arrangement of internal components.

Superconductivity: Disappearance of electrical resistivity at low temperatures.

Supercooling: Cooling below the normal temperature for a phase change, without the change occurring.

Tensile strength: Maximum stress without fracture.

Thermal expansion coefficient, linear: Fractional change in length divided by change in temperature, a measure of a materials tendency to expand when heated.

Thermal stress: Residual stress caused by a change in temperature.

Thermal tempering: The introduction of residual compressive stresses to increase the strength of glass.

Toughness: Energy absorbed by a material as it fractures, a measure of its resistance to fracture.

Transgranular fracture: Fracture by crack propagation through the grains.

Translucent: Transmits light diffusely.

Transparent: Transmits light clearly.

Unit cell: The basic repeating unit in a crystal.

Whiteware: Clay-based ceramic that turns white after firing.

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